A Single Swing

Hobe, observing the layout and murmured, "This place is like a fortress dedicated to unraveling the secrets of mutants. Let's hope their findings help us out there in the field."

"Hobe, to the left," Anna's voice cut through the ambient sounds.

"Sure thing," Hobe responded, adjusting his course to follow Anna's guidance.

"We're aiming for a more direct path from the observation deck to Zone C. Keep an eye out for any weak points or potential hazards."

"Got it. I'll check for any vulnerable spots and make sure it's secure."

"We need reinforcements on those barriers. Mutants are becoming more aggressive."

Hobe approached an iron gate and noticed a group of people standing on the watchtower. Below them, more than ten regular zombies and two mutant zombies roamed.

"Hobe, keep an eye on those mutants. They're showing signs of increased intelligence. We can't underestimate them."

Hobe nodded. "Got it. Those mutants seem to be evolving."