The Domesticate Zombie

The heightened reaction implied the presence of a warm object, inducing a nervous swallow from both Hobe and Kate.

"Kate, hold on. Someone's ahead," Hobe murmured cautiously, extending his hand to the side, signaling Kate to come to a stop.

The subtle rustle of leaves and the soft whispers of the night enveloped them as they braced themselves for the unknown encounter that awaited.

Kate froze in her tracks, her senses heightened. The sudden surge in heat signatures hinted at a nearby presence. Both of them held their breath, praying it wasn't a menacing creature.

"Hobe, what's out there?" Kate whispered, her hand instinctively reaching for her weapon.

Hobe squinted into the darkness. "There's someone up ahead," he murmured, gesturing sideways to signal Kate to stop.

As they cautiously advanced, the lone survivor materialized by a flickering fire, seeking warmth in the chill of the night.