The Dormant State

Alina replied, "We don't know either. We're busy with our mission. Maybe check with Kate; she might know."

Continuing her journey through the hallways, Jenny found Kate, her expression reflecting a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Hey, Kate! Do you know where Hobe is? I've been looking for him; did he return safely from the mission you two went on together?"

Kate nodded, her worry evident. "Yes, I'm looking for him too. I wanted to tha-- oh, I mean, you're right, I haven't seen him all day. We should find him as soon as possible."

As the two conversed about their shared concern for Hobe, Anna joined them in the corridor. "Hey, everyone! Any news about Hobe? I've tried reaching him through the system multiple times, but there's no response. His status is inactive, and that usually happens when someone is undergoing punishment. What's happening with him?"