The Worms


Yet, amid Anna's confident declaration, a shadow of concern crept across her features. Recollecting a crucial detail, her brow furrowed with genuine worry.

Having observed Hobe facing Liam and successfully mimicking his abilities, a troubling thought loomed.

The realization that Hobe might replicate the same strategy against her sparked a growing unease within Anna, casting a shadow over her previous confidence.

"Hobe, can you still hear me? Is your consciousness still there? Fight to return to normal, Hobe!" Anna's desperate plea echoed through the virtual space.

Hobe's steps toward Anna came to a halt. A cluster of worms left behind caught up with him, attempting to re-enter his avatar.

"That's my best worm. It can be highly destructive but also carries antivirus. It depends on your luck," Anna remarked, her voice a mix of concern and strategic calculation.