The Deception

The survivor varied in their reactions. Some remained calm and cooperative, understanding the necessity of the Slayer Knights' actions.

Others, however, grew increasingly agitated, their fear and uncertainty boiling over into angry outbursts and futile attempts to resist.

Through it all, the Slayer Knights remained focus as they methodically gathered everyone together. With each compartment cleared, they moved closer to completing their mission.


"Was everyone accounted for?" Hank inquired, his gaze sweeping over the assembled group.

Mia nodded, her voice steady. "Yes, I double-checked each carriage after everyone was gathered."

As the swiftest Slayer Knight, she had assumed the role of observation and assessing the surrounding situation.

"Good," Hank replied, a sense of relief evident in his tone. "We couldn't afford to miss anyone, especially with this additional mission on our hands."