On the Journey to Find the Secret Realm

Soon, Lin Chen saw the Fire Silk running over.

"Master, Grandpa wants you to go over. He said that he wants to discuss the matter about the map."

Without any room for discussion, Fire Silk pulled Lin Chen and ran.

On the way, they even bumped into a few Fire Family disciples.

"Hmph, you're tugging at a wild man…"

"Seriously, you're embarrassing us nobles!"

"I really don't understand why this bastard can still stay in our Fire Family!"


Some of the voices were simply unsightly.

Lin Chen looked over.

Those people all had fiery red hair and high nose bridges…

They were also very young.

However, each of their words was more vicious than the other.

As for Fire Silk, it was as if she did not hear it. However, her expression changed slightly. It looked like she was forcing herself, as if those people were not talking about her.