Killing a God Apostle with a Single Strike!

[Forbidden Spell, Ten Thousand Swords Return to One: After learning ten sword techniques, you can combine them at will. Then, you can release a sword qi at the target. The sword qi will vary according to the level of the skill. It will deal 600% double attack and 30% penetration damage to the target! Mana Consumption: 3,800! Cooldown: 1 minute!]

The damage of a Level 1 Ten Thousand Swords Return to One was terrifying.

Moreover, it was penetrative damage.

Although it only had 30% physical and magic penetration, the damage bonus would be very terrifying!

This was because 30% physical and magic penetration was equivalent to ignoring 30% of the opponent's physical and magic defense.

It was obvious that this was a pure damage output skill!

What was there to be dissatisfied about?

Even if he left this place now, he felt that it was enough.

A Forbidden Spell, Ten Thousand Swords Return to One.