Throw One Punch Now to Avoid One Hundred Punches in the Future!

Originally, this was a valley.

But now, it had been blown up into a wilderness.

Especially on the ground, there was a huge pit that looked like a falling meteorite had crashed here. It was a shocking sight.

At this moment, Fire Ash and Water Shock were standing in the pit and observing everything around them.

"Watch out. Be careful of spatial cracks…"

"There shouldn't be any more. Look at the rocks over there. I keep feeling that the incisions on the rocks seem to have been cut by spatial cracks."

"What about the Secret Realm?"

"The Secret Realm is gone."

"Fire Ash, what's the origin of this Secret Realm?"

At this moment, Water Shock's expression was very bad.

He had a feeling that he had been tricked…