A Mentally Disturbed Pervert

Lin Chen didn't even want to complain about Dragon Yandao.


Wasn't this the typical cold and aloof person in front of others but secretly a joker?

He did not expect the supreme commander of the Dragon Spirit Kingdom's battlefield to be like this…

The contrast was especially huge!

In the next two days, the Dragon Spirit Kingdom and Ice Nation began to change their defenses.

Lin Chen finally led the recuperated Dragon Victory Army and began to enter the Red Pine Forest.

On the Empire's battlefield, there were many areas, or rather, war zones.

The Red Pine Forest was called this because there were many forests formed by red pine trees here. This red pine tree was different from what Lin Chen remembered. It could produce a special kind of pine cone. Not only could humans eat it to nourish their hunger, but other species could also eat it.

It could be said that this was a military supply depot.