Arrogant Island Elves, Even More Arrogant Lin Chen!

Ice Nation, inside the pass.

At this moment, a male elf hurriedly reported. He looked at the three commanders and said, "Officers, a Green Dragon flew over just now. The person who came said that it was the Human King of the Dragon Spirit Kingdom. He also said that when the Human King goes out, the elves should excuse themselves… Should we send troops to stop him?"

This male elf clearly did not know about the coup of the Dragon Spirit Kingdom.

He did not know what had happened in the Dragon Spirit Kingdom.

Wasn't there only a king in the Dragon Spirit Kingdom?

Where did this Human King come from!

However, after he said this, he realized that the expressions of the three commanders had changed.

At this moment, there was a summary of news from the Ice Nation in front of the three commanders.

"Dragon Spirit Kingdom's military coup!"