Divine Hall Disciple, Sea Demon's Death (2)

This situation became more frequent the deeper they went.

In the distance, he could even hear some sea demons singing.

As he was very far away, he could not be tempted by the singing.

However, Ji Wei still reminded him, "We have to be especially careful. We can't listen to the same song for more than three seconds, or we will still be affected. It's best if… we keep talking to each other and distract ourselves."

"There are no boats on the sea, and there are very few pedestrians. Those sea demons are even singing. Who are they trying to confuse?" Lin Chen asked and deliberately reminded her. "Silk, take a guess?"

"Could it be us?" Sword Silk was as innocent as ever.

Forget it…

This girl should probably not be bewitched.

Lin Chen knew that the singing of sea demons could only confuse those with impure thoughts.

Moreover, the greater the desire, the stronger the effect of being bewitched.