The Internally Divided Angel Factions!

At this moment, Delgas was furious!

What agreement?

That was just a one-sided joke!

Would Lin Chen agree?

Moreover, even if Lin Chen had not suddenly attacked previously, none of the Emperors of the Angel Clan had agreed.

It had always been Delgas talking to himself!

There were also restrictions on everyone not using their strongest skills… On what basis?

Did he really think that because he was the number one on the Purple Gold Rankings that his words had to be obeyed?

"Delgas, it seems that this Human King of the Human Race is not interested in your suggestion!"

Emperor Kyla's words carried sarcasm.

Emperor Yeager was dead!

The Dark Angel Clan only had one Emperor.

Among the angels, only the Archangel Race had two Emperors.

War Emperor, Delgas.

He was the publicly acknowledged God of War of the entire angel race.