King Kong Raises His Head, Main God Psychic Power!

Yang Yanye knew that Lin Chen's soul had just returned to his body.

For a moment, he was still used to the situation.

It would only take an instant!

This attack of his was passed down from a god.

He was absolutely confident that any expert below Rank Four, even a Semi-Divinity realm expert, would find it difficult to withstand such a huge amount of damage!

Therefore, Yang Yanye seemed to be able to see Lin Chen vomit blood.

However, it was only for an instant.

In that instant, the corners of Yang Yanye's mouth curled up.


Before he could say the word 'die'…

However, Lin Chen had already disappeared on the spot.

Like the light and dust!

This attack landed on empty space.

"Be careful!"

Brandon said immediately.

At this moment, in another stone forest.

The sounds of battle could be heard.

Although Yang Yanye's attack did not hit, it directly exploded a blue stone tablet!