Demon God, Demon Sea, Unkillable Demon Body!

The tentacles grew larger and larger.

It kept surging towards Lin Chen's body.

However, sword qi surrounded Lin Chen's body and kept cutting the tentacles.

Lin Chen seemed to have fallen into an endless tug-of-war with the Demon God Nether King.


Without the Lightless Shield, the defense of the three-headed hellhound army had decreased drastically. The humans had already begun to organize a counterattack, especially the Holy Maiden Tribe army with Lin Chen's holy power. Under Liu Mengyao's command and support, almost all of them were unharmed. They began to lead the human army to force the three-headed hellhounds back step by step.

In the sky above the battle, Dragon Yandao and Ah Niu were chasing after the two Hellish Cerberuses and beating them up!


One against two.