Slaying the White Lotus, Soul Blood Rain Nourishing the entire Blue Planet!

Devouring inner demons.

This was the first time he had seen someone play like this.

He was indeed ruthless!

After all, that was his inner demon!

During the process of devouring, although there was no physical pain, what about mental pain?

Did it really not affect his mental state when he ate himself?

"Let's go… Goddess, no matter what the outcome is after you go back and see the Heavenly Emperor, I don't want to come to the Blue Planet again!"

"That's right. Whoever wants to come can come. This Lin Chen is too terrifying. If I can't afford to offend him, I can only hide!"

At this moment, the other two Heavenly Gods beside the Goddess of Wisdom and Lu Jian spoke.

He was scared.

He was terrified!

There was no other existence like Lin Chen in the entire universe!

He could not afford to offend them, but he could hide!

In any case, he would never dare to come to the Blue Planet again.

"Lin Chen!"