Even if it's an ant, even if it's an ant, the human race doesn't hesitate to die to resist!

Originally, he thought that he was the protagonist.

And what happened?

In the eyes of others, he had become a spare tire…

No, he could not even be considered a spare tire!

In the eyes of others, he had even become a substitute that had to be eliminated.

No one would feel good about this!

Especially Lin Chen, the Human Emperor!

Up until now, Lin Chen had finally figured out the entire Cosmic Stone's plan.

It even included how the human race had been schemed against step by step to this extent!



All of this was about benefits.

Moreover, how sad was the human race? How wronged was it?

Since ancient times, humans had always been loyal believers of the gods.

In the beginning, the humans provided the Heavenly Palace with power of faith.

He could be said to be a loyalist of the Heavenly Palace!

Then, the Heavenly Emperor Eon God's ambitions swelled.