Demon Palace, Taotie, Human Race, Witch Race, Vajra Hero! 2

"Demon Ox, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Hell Mountain said coldly, "Although the Heavenly Emperor is cunning, can the predestined words on the Profound Heavenly Treasure Mirror be fake?"


Demon King Bull muttered softly, "Although it can't be faked, who knows how long the Heavenly Emperor will predict? If it's a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years… Who will know?"


The Demon Lord's demon projection laughed loudly and said, "That's right! Ox Demon, you deserve to marry so many wives. They're not as smart as you. Indeed, the prediction that the Eon God released didn't specify when. This means that… we still have a lot of time!"

"But we can't let the human race continue to develop and develop, Demon Lord! The stronger they are, the harder it will be for us to deal with the backlash in the future," Hell Mountain said again.

He even used his eyes to signal Demon Monarch Chaos to speak.