The Correct Use of the Heart Demon, The Suspicious Demon Emperor

It was just like the Eon God and the Chaos Beast…

"With the Eon God's scheming, was he really careless back then or was he too busy fighting for power to care about his inner demon and let it develop into a Chaos Behemoth?"

Lin Chen asked suspiciously, "Weapon Grandmaster, do you think this guy did it on purpose?"

"Who does?"

Chi You said in a muffled voice, "But if he didn't do it on purpose, how could he control the Giant Beast of Chaos? Now that the Giant Beast of Chaos is so powerful, if it was stronger, I'm afraid even Eon God wouldn't be able to suppress it, right?"

Lin Chen understood.

His consciousness meant…

If there was a way to control the inner demon, would he be able to release it?

Then the key to the problem was this method to control the inner demons, right?

Giving the inner demon freedom…

Then, the inner demon would not keep thinking of replacing him.