The Return of the Three Demon Lords to the Human Race, Hell Mountain's Scheme!

There was nothing else to say.

Ying Xiyue and Yang Yourong entered Lin Chen's soul.

Lin Chen left.

Before leaving, Lin Chen temporarily entrusted the human race to Chi You.

"A man keeps his promise and refuses to abandon it!"

Chi You laughed loudly and said, "Lin Chen, don't worry. I, Li Cang, have always hoped for such a human… Be it personal feelings or gods, the human race has a kind of Divine Hall and something that doesn't exist on the myriad races. What I said just now was actually a proverb popular among the human race in the Middle Ages. I think highly of you, but be careful of Taotie. After entering the endless void, don't stay in one place. You have to run. Run as fast as you can and find that cosmic crack to send over!"

In fact, Chi You thought very highly of Lin Chen.

Others did not know how much strength and trump cards Lin Chen had, but Chi You, who had fought with Lin Chen many times, knew Lin Chen's ability very well.