Lin Chen Establishes the Netherworld, Ten Kings of Hell!

Could it not be changed?

At this moment, Ying Xiyue also walked over with Emperor Ying.

"Master, this is my father…"

Ying Xiyue was about to introduce.

However, Lin Chen smiled and said, "I know, the last Human Emperor!"

"You flatter me, Human Sovereign!"

Emperor Ying hurriedly replied.

Lin Chen did not waste any time and asked directly, "Emperor Ying, can I ask… why don't I see the Yin Soul of any Motherf*cking Human King other than you?"

"They've all been destroyed!"

Emperor Ying shook his head and said, "Before the Middle Ages… No, before the destruction of the Heavenly Palace, the Heavenly Palace directly destroyed the souls of all the human emperors, even generals and generals! In the past, we never knew. Later, the Eon God deliberately revealed it to us."

"Therefore, you led the human race to resist the Heavenly Palace!" Lin Chen seemed to understand something.