Lin Chen's Two Stomaches, Taotie Eats Itself!

Lin Chen seemed to have gone crazy as he bit off a piece of meat from Taotie's jaw!

The flesh was also minced by the devouring power when it entered Lin Chen's mouth.

At the same time, Taotie felt pain. Its huge mouth became much smaller…

It turned out that Taotie also had the ability to instantly transfer his flesh and blood!

The large piece of jaw that had just been bitten off by Lin Chen was instantly replaced by other flesh and blood on its body.

Not a single drop of blood essence leaked out!

The wound seemed to have healed instantly!

At the same time, Taotie bit Lin Chen…

Whether it was the bite force or the area, it was much stronger than the Master God Realm Heaven Devouring Roar!

At the critical moment, Lin Chen used his left hand to block in front of his head…


His left hand was bitten!

This was the first time Lin Chen had been bitten.