A Conjecture About the Ninth Rank Divine Emperor Realm!


What Chaos Beast?

What Taotie?

It was all a cover!

Whether it was the Demon Emperor or the Eon God,

They had been scheming against each other.

In fact, could the Demon Emperor really not suppress Taotie alone?


The current Demon Emperor could chase Taotie away with just his tentacles.

However, when the Taotie appeared, the Demon Emperor deliberately summoned the Eon God.

Suppress them together!

It turned out that the Demon Emperor had done this on purpose.

Showing weakness in front of the Eon God.

In fact, the opponent in the Eon God's eyes had always been the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor was the same.

In his opinion, the greatest threat was always the Eon God.

As for Lin Chen…

It was equivalent to saying that up until now, be it the Eon God or the Demon Emperor, they had all treated him as a tool.

'Is that why he kept it?'