Abandoned By Everyone, The End of the Demon Sovereign!

In truth, it wasn't just the Eon God!

The God of Punishment's voice was heard as well. "Di Jie, you have committed many evil deeds! First, you assassinated your father while he was out hunting… As a son, you killed your father and your father, so you're a fatherless thing. Then, you forcefully married your mother and your father's concubine. You were depraved and brutal, killing loyal people. You're worse than a beast!"

The God of Punishment represented the Heavenly Law Alliance!

The current situation was…

The humans wanted to kill him, Di Jie.

The Heavenly Law Alliance also wanted Di Jie dead!

They were not the only ones.

The Divine Hall led by the Eon God also wanted him dead!


There were also demons.