Ultimate Schemer God of Punishment, Immortal Vanquishing Eight Array Flags!

Fifty Main Gods had been refined into a single pill.

Who would have thought?

The dignified Heavenly Emperor Eon God actually had such a method.

Cruel means!

At that moment, the small pill contained an incomparably powerful energy.

In fact, when the pill was completed, an abnormality appeared in the entire Void Sky Divine Hall…

That seemed to be the final unwillingness and sorrow of fifty Main Gods!

As for those phenomena, they didn't cause any ripples in the Eon God's heart.

The elixir was sent directly to the God of Punishment.

"Eat it and you can absorb the power of this phenomenon. Whether you can become a Rank Eight or not will depend on your own luck!"

Eon God said that he had already done his best.

Fifty Main God-level experts.

He even sacrificed his children and grandchildren.

All in exchange for a chance for the God of Punishment to advance to Rank eight.

Eon God tried his best.