Were We All Wrong? Brahma!

He spent a few years on the Blue Planet to reminisce about the nostalgic past.

Moreover, he even let his women leave behind children in satisfaction.

Lin Chen had just returned to the Mythical Battlefield.

From here, one could see that the humans had already begun to occupy the various cities.

However, after the humans arrived, the first thing they did was not unrestrainedly ask for resources.

Instead, it was construction.

First of all, the Human Race's Divine Hall had been entrusted to the Dragon Spirit Kingdom. It was a grand plan to connect the East, West, and North and South Battlefields, as well as railways and bridges. It had even built various shipping routes.

In other words, the center of the human race was no longer just on the Blue Planet.

It could only be said that the Blue Planet was still the base of the human race.

However, the development center of the Human Tribe had been moved to the Mythical Battlefield.