Drone Upgrade

After dinner, Tang Rui turned on the video call and began chatting with Li Shuyao while exercising.

"I have something to attend to later. You can do your yoga practice on your own," Tang Rui informed Li Shuyao, checking the time.

"Hmm?" Li Shuyao appeared puzzled.

Usually, he would be quite attentive when she did her yoga routines, but today seemed different.

Was he no longer interested in her?

Or was he planning to go out and have fun because he was rich?

"Then try not to stay up too late. Late nights aren't good for your health," Tang Rui advised Li Shuyao, to which she remained silent, her expression unchanged, as if she didn't take his words seriously.

"Yes, I'll aim to sleep before midnight," she finally responded.

Tang Rui thought for a moment. Once he finished upgrading the drone, he intended to take it out for a test flight. He expected to be back before midnight.

"Alright, then I'll hang up now."
