Light Quantum Information Capture System

"Old Feng, could you go over and inquire about their project timeline and quotation? Also, check the materials they are using while you're at it."

After Tang Rui made his selection, he asked Feng Yuanxing to go and gather information, and he wanted to assess the situation as well.

When it came to tasks like these, giving them to Old Feng presented no problems at all.

He was the most reliable person in the entire company.

Moreover, he was excellent at paying attention to details and could often find potential issues in unexpected places.

That's why Tang Rui entrusted this matter to him.

After all, it was being sold to the Middle East, and they couldn't afford any loopholes that might become a subject of ridicule.

"Sure, Mr. Tang, I'll head over there right away," Feng Yuanxing replied as he accepted the task.

After delegating the field command vehicle matter to Old Feng, Tang Rui made a phone call to Zhang Shixiong.