It's Done, Everything Going Well

"They arrived at the multi-purpose hall.

Dozens of people were sitting below, and people kept coming in.

Only this person had not arrived yet.

This was the foundation.

It didn't matter if Shen Huoyi had been on the decline over the years or if he had been suppressed by Cheng Luoma.

However, there was nothing to say about his foundation.

"President Tang, this is the disciple of our J-18 Grandmaster, Pang Haiming."

"Hai Ming, this is President Tang."

Director Liu introduced him to Tang Rui.

"Hello, President Tang. Thank you for your help. My teacher is old and hasn't been in good health recently, so she didn't come over.

Before he came, he even told me to apologize to you."

Pang Haiming, who was in his forties, extended his hand and said gratefully.

"You don't have to be so polite. Actually, your design is already very good.

"I just made some small changes based on your design."