Deep Memory Simulation Learning Equipment +8

Before going to sleep at night, Tang Rui, holding his subconscious learning device, entered the study.

He was preparing to upgrade and strengthen this device.

For such a long time, he hadn't strengthened it, mainly because its functionality was sufficient.

But tonight, as he was preparing to study before sleeping,

A whimsical idea struck him.

He thought of a movie he had seen several years ago, "Inception."

He wanted to try and see if the upgraded subconscious learning device could achieve what "Inception" did.

To completely dominate his own dreams.

Of course, this was just his idea, and it didn't mean that the subconscious learning device could actually achieve that level.

It didn't matter if it couldn't.

Consider it a reward for his old companion who had been with him all this time.

System, add some points!

In an instant, all specialized enhancements of the various systems were maxed out.