Everyone Thought They Had Profited

Regarding Tang Rui's request.

Andrei didn't say it was impossible, or anything like "non-negotiable." He simply stated that he needed to contact his country first. After all, a technology trade at this level is not something he, as a general, can decide on.

Tang Rui nodded with a smile, giving Andrei the freedom to do so.

"Can Russia really agree to this?"

After Andrei and his team left the meeting room, Lin Chao exclaimed in surprise. In fact, looking at Andrei's attitude, it was clear that this deal was likely to happen, and the next step would be to negotiate the price.

But that's precisely why Lin Chao was surprised. This was the Blizzard space shuttle, coveted even by the US. In the past, during the fierce space race between Russia and the United States, they had managed to develop this kind of technology that went against the laws of technological evolution.