Three-Dimensional Spatial Location Calculation

"Mr. Tang, what are they digging on the reservoir side?" 

During lunchtime, Lin Chao sat down beside Tang Rui and asked curiously.

Since the control equipment and robots of the Red Lotus construction project started working, Lin Chao had been paying attention.

He didn't need to hide anything from Tang Rui; he could just ask directly.

"A rocket launch platform."

After taking a bite of his chicken leg, Tang Rui replied.

A rocket launch platform? 

That didn't make sense. Rocket launch platforms needed a foundation, but there was no need to dig such a deep pit.

Lin Chao expressed his doubt.

"It's more conspicuous on the surface. Putting it underground is fine; after all, it's still underground, and it doesn't affect the launch."

No, wait a minute.

A rocket launch platform underground? Wasn't that a missile silo? Rockets aren't launched underground.