Yes, That's Right, It's a Temporary Worker (Part 2)

"President Tang, welcome to our Yun Province."

"You're too polite. I'm here to make up for my mistake."

"No, no, even if the drone doesn't return automatically, we shouldn't have crossed the national border. We were too hasty. If it weren't for this program, we would have made a mistake."

After a few polite exchanges, Tang Rui followed the police to the Skynet Command Center.

He took out his laptop and connected to the internet.

Then, he let Red Lotus control the drone to take off and investigate.

On the big screen of the Skynet command center, the drone's reconnaissance was displayed.

In less than five minutes, the drone found the base of this international criminal gang.

It was in a valley, and there were several checkpoints hidden on the roads around the valley.

However, under the drone's scan, everything was exposed.

Di di di...