A Slap to His Face (Part 3)

Two minutes later, the green beret arrived at their hidden location.


Following the squad leader's command, ten people simultaneously sprang into action.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The enemy reacted quickly, lifting their guns and beginning to shoot.

But it was futile.

Within seven steps, the special forces members, wearing exoskeleton armor, charged and closed in.

Even though the enemy's gunfire was fast and accurate.

It couldn't penetrate the armor.

A punch, a kick, a twist.

One enemy fell to the ground, knocked unconscious.

The special forces members dragged the unconscious enemy behind cover, binding them, then hiding without showing their faces.

Other team members did the same.

After incapacitating an enemy, they dragged them to their previously hidden spot, bound them, and disarmed them.

They stayed out of sight.