Flying to the Moon

The next morning, Tang Rui was in the laboratory, modifying a mechanical dog with Red Lotus.

He had forgotten something yesterday.

That was to design a robot specifically for the lunar environment.

No sooner had he thought of this in the morning than he hurried to the lab to get busy.

Now, it was definitely too late to make a specialized moon robot.

The space shuttle was in the final stages of assembly, and even with testing, it would be finished in at most an hour and a half.

Producing robots now would yield at most three to five units, which was far from enough.

Therefore, Tang Rui chose to modify the mechanical dog.

After all, he wasn't planning to build a lunar base this time; the main purpose was to conduct a survey.

The most important thing was to check the geological data of the moon.

To find out where the richest mineral resources were.