The Chinese Version of the Star Wars Plan

The firelight disappeared.

The dust settled.

The underground secret facility originally located in Area 51 had now turned into a meteorite crater and a lake of magma.

Normally, a 13-meter iron asteroid, even if it were to strike the surface of the Earth, would create a crater no more than 1.5 kilometers in diameter.

Even if this asteroid were moving at high speeds, it would not exceed this limit. But there's a catch: this assumes a surface impact, not a strike on underground defense structures.

Speaking of which, the underground defenses of Area 51 could withstand a nuclear blast.

Yes, this was true.

Even if a nuclear bomb exploded right above Area 51, it couldn't destroy it, not even breaching the outer defenses.

But an asteroid strike was different.

Though its power is akin to that of a 2-million-ton nuclear bomb, the kinetic energy it carries is incomparable to that of a nuclear weapon.