Han Shu Returns to the Country, Special Tactical Troops (2)

"The blueprints were fine, with nothing particularly special about them.

The program code, however, was a different story.

It contained various formulas for controlling magnetic fields, which were crucial, and something he had never understood before.

"I see!"

"You can do this?"

"So mysterious…"

After seeing these formulas and algorithms, he experienced a series of epiphanies, resolving some previously incomprehensible problems.

At this moment, he understood everything.

Simply put, his lack of progress wasn't due to insufficient knowledge, but because he hadn't found the correct approach.

His research direction had been wrong from the start.

"With this, many problems are solved."

Tang Rui examined the comprehensive magnetic field control equipment before him, realizing its extensive range of applications.

"Red Lotus, make a few hundred and store them in the warehouse."

"Yes, Master."