Red Karmic Fire Lotus Mecha, Activate!

"Is this for real?" the representative from the Iranian group asked incredulously.

"How about it, isn't this a powerful weapon?" Tang Rui asked with a smile.

Selling the bipedal mech to the Iranians would allow them to modify it themselves.

But renting the mech to them meant they couldn't even get close without his permission.

"How much for it?"

"Not for sale, only for rent."

"How much is the rent?"

"For non-combat, 10 million USD per day. For combat, 500 million USD per hour. If it's less than an hour, it's still charged as one hour."

Tang Rui casually quoted a staggering price.

"Can it be cheaper?"

Tang Rui just grinned without saying a word.


This wasn't a vegetable market.

If he didn't know their intention to use it against Tifa, he wouldn't have rented it to them, let alone haggle.

What were they thinking?

"Mr. Tang, we need to discuss this back at our organization."