Ball Lightning and Dancing Electric Snakes

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The room was very quiet, with only the sound of Tang Rui flipping through the materials. Nobody spoke at this time.

Twenty or so minutes later, Tang Rui finished reading the materials, and at the same time, Red Lotus simulated the data from the materials.

However, the result of the simulation showed no problems.

"The data on the materials is fine, and the theoretical deduction is also correct. As for why the magnetic field strength is insufficient, I can't say for sure right now. Can you take me to see the equipment?" Tang Rui said with a frown after putting down the materials.

"No problem, the equipment is in the laboratory," replied Professor Li, getting up immediately to take Tang Rui there.

He was the most anxious and frustrated at the moment.

Arriving at the laboratory, a device, the size of an MRI machine and without an outer shell, appeared before Tang Rui.