A Beam of Light Shooting into Outer Space

"Red Lotus, calculate the explosion time and power."

Tang Rui urgently spoke to Red Lotus.

"Master, the estimated explosion time is in 7 minutes and 23 seconds. The explosion power is sufficient to cause movement of the Pacific Plate, leading to widespread eruptions across the entire Pacific Ring of Fire."

"Red Lotus, can we control the explosion within a certain range by fully enhancing the magnetic field strength to form a constraint?"

"Based on calculations, a magnetic field strength of 120 Teslas is required to contain the explosion. Currently, there is insufficient energy to achieve this."

"How much energy is needed? How many nuclear fusion reactors would it take?"

"It is estimated that the full functionality of 113 nuclear fusion reactors is needed to increase the Earth's magnetic field strength in that sea area to 120 Teslas."

After hearing this, Tang Rui took a deep breath.

"Red Lotus, display the explosion countdown."