Mars Virus

What should be done?

Tang Rui gazed at the data on the large screen in front of him, lost in thought.

"Master, there is a problem on Mars," Red Lotus suddenly appeared and reported to Tang Rui.

"Hmm? What problem?" Tang Rui asked, puzzled. There shouldn't have been any issues on Mars.

There was no shortage of resources, equipment, or talent there.

What could possibly go wrong under such circumstances?

"Master, five scientists at the Martian Life Science Laboratory have fallen into comas, and the cause has not yet been identified."

"Sudden comas?"

"Yes, master. According to their wristwatch monitors, there were problems with their biological signals, and then they fell into comas."

Biological signals?

Were there issues with their neuronal tissues?

"Has the news been locked down on Mars?" Tang Rui immediately thought of a concern.