Gene Fragment Information

Tang Rui's face was solemn, his expression serious.

"Is this virus a product of natural evolution?

Dream on.

This is definitely a biological weapon, the kind that could destroy a world. If such a virus were brought to Earth,

Forget about humanity.

All life on Earth wouldn't stand a chance.

The entire planet would quickly become a dead star, a forbidden zone for life.

All animals, plants, and microorganisms would be eradicated by this virus.

"Red Lotus, bring me a gene detection device."

"Okay, Master."

Facing such a virus, current human technology definitely couldn't handle it.

He had no choice but to rely on special means.

Soon, a gene detection device was brought over by a robot.

Tang Rui took out tools and began to disassemble this device.

Since Red Lotus had not made this type of device, it couldn't be directly upgraded using the panel, so he had to reassemble it.