Communication and Verification

In the cosmic void.

A 3-kilometer-long elliptical spaceship is flying rapidly through the void of space.

However, compared to the vast scale of the universe, this spaceship, traveling at thousands of kilometers per second, appears almost stationary from afar.

5 million kilometers away in the cosmic void, a reconnaissance ship that has just arrived through spatial warp is slowly approaching.

"Red Lotus, activate the reconnaissance equipment and conduct a full scan," Tang Rui commanded, looking at the alien spaceship in front of him.

"Okay, Master. Scanning now, please wait."

The equipment on the reconnaissance ship activated, and countless particles in the microscopic world fluctuated, secretly collecting various data from the alien spaceship.

This method of information collection was slow, but Tang Rui was in no hurry.

He took this time to closely observe the alien spaceship.