
If I, Mika Elbar, remember correctly, it was around the time, when I was knocked out by Yater. His pressure was so overwhelming that I could not even lift a finger against him.

After he dislocated my jaw, everything went black.

So this was just a percentage of the Demon King's power, huh?

I thought that this was it for me.

I will die.

And not only me, but the others, too. Wendy, Zack, Judi, Adin, Ron, Gerard, Ophelia and the others from the group. Everyone will die.

I tried my best, didn't I?

Even if Wendy, Zack and Ophelia were in their best form, they still could not have won against Yater. So how should I have done that?

I did as much as I could and it was not enough.

So let me... for now.


Hm? The voice was barely audible.

[...stray ...Future...]

I recognized the voice. This gentle voice belonged to the system that was by my side for years.