
The heavenly realm.

Two people were staring at a wall painting.

They were inside a vast hallway, where the pillars, which supported the building's balance, reached the high ceiling, which seemed like it would never end.

The person on the right was a middle-aged man, who had long golden hair.

The one on the left seemed younger than him and had spiky golden hair, which shared similarities with a brush.

Both of them had bright halos above their heads.



They silently looked at the painting, which was located in the middle of the wall.

"Are you looking at that again?" the younger one asked.


"Aren't you tired of looking at it every day?"

"I will not be there when it happens. I suppose you do not get what I am feeling as there is a possibility that you may live to see it with your own eyes.

The younger man remained silent.

The painting depicted a battle.