Final Match

"Sylvia? What happened to you?" Belian asked baffled.

While he waited for his other classmates beside the arena, he noticed Syliva, who was covered in bruises and dirt, coming.

"I've found Mika…" she said, grasping for air.

"Wha- Where was he?"

"Let's talk later…"

"In just a couple of minutes, the final match will begin so please take your seats!" the announcer declared from inside.

"Oh, right. I apologize."

Belian made way for Sylvia, who was initially heading to the resting hall.

Before the match started, she wanted to drink a healing and stamina potion.

"I will tell the others that Mika was found."

Sylvia nodded her head once before she continued to walk.

"We will be watching the two of you." Belian added.

She only raised her hand and waved back.

A few minutes later.

Lily was already doing some stretches on the battlefield as she waited for Sylvia to emerge from the back exit.