Xander's Escape


Xander managed to escape from the arena at the same time when most people stormed from there.

He was carrying the still unconscious Cail on his back as he walked in the northwest direction.

His injuries from his previous match against Mika and Belian were still stinging.

Even though he consumed a healing potion, his wound surprisingly would not close entirely.

Xander was exhausted and just wanted to rest, however, no place was safe.

Everywhere in the capital were fights and inside the academy's walls was not much safer as he sensed the presence of very strong people like Olivia Rostanta.

"When is this idiot waking up?!"

He looked at Cail.

No matter how much he complained about him in the past, he could not leave him on his own devices as he was his little brother in the end.

"Was that punch of that bastard so strong?" he wondered.


"Ah, what am I saying..." he said to himself with a sigh.