Day 5

"Seems like your boy put my abilities to good use already, Mikaela." a woman, who sat together with two other men and a young girl at a round table, huffed satisfied with her thin arms and long legs crossed.

She had long and smooth golden hair. Her eyes were blue with its pupils being white and cross-shaped.

The woman appeared to be in her early thirties and wore a skin-revealing white dress, which was slit at the sides and held together with thin strings. In addition, she wore multiple golden accessories.

"Yes. If it was not for your ability, then this battle would have turned ugly."

It was the middle-aged-looking man with the long golden hair, who responded.

His name was Mikaela.

Just like the woman, he, too, shared the same eyes.

"Haha, no need to thank me. It's our duty after all to assist you with this project." the woman responded with a light chuckle.


"Ehm, sorry if I'm interrupting but..."