What They Think Of Him

After Mika left with Olivia, the white class was walking back to the shelter located on the dorm grounds.

Their newest classmate Lily Hayth was leading the group while conversing with her mother.

For today, the authorities decided to let everyone rest, giving them also the time to think about their future.

Some people, like Lena Hayth, came from other nations to watch the tournament so they did not have to worry about anything. However, most of the people were either citizens or students in Loogam.


Sylvia looked like she was lost in thoughts.

The gap between the white class and Lily and her mother widened unconsciously.

"What are you thinking about so hard?" Rachel asked.

Belian and Harik turned their attention to Syliva, too.

"It's nothing..."

But Rachel was not sold by her answer as she kept staring daggers at her.

Sylvia glanced back at Rachel for a moment until she began to elaborate.