Class Representatives

"Hrngh..." Mika groaned silently as he came to his senses.

"Finally awake?" Ophelia asked indifferently while going through documents.

Mika, who found himself in a bed in an unoccupied room with nothing but beds lined up, lifted his upper body slowly.

He gently caressed his chest.


Not too long ago, he was still in the midst of the hand-to-hand combat class when Payl suddenly ambushed him. Mika remembered that he was controlling the fight until Payl surprised him with his dagger. His dagger, which Mika concluded to be most likely a relic, passed right through his defense and stabbed him in the chest.

However, before he lost consciousness, Mika transformed and nullified the effects of Payl's dagger with Excalibur, which caused both of them to repel each other.

The next thing Mika knew was that he landed in the infirmary.