10 Years Ago

It was around 10 years ago.

Lily, who was 5 years old at that time, was on her way home from Loogam. She went there for a weekend trip with her parents after she begged her parents to take her to Loogam as she grew quite an interest in that nation after being able to control her magic.

So as a reward for her hard work in her magic studies, her parents agreed on that trip. However, due to the distance, they could only stay there for a day.

Including breaks, the Hayths needed a little bit more than a day to arrive at Loogam, where they would do some sightseeing and activities as a family until they went to an inn to stay for the night. Following that, they woke up early in the morning and departed again.

However, on the way back one of the tamed monsters, who pulled their carriages sprained its ankle.

The carriage driver notified the family and suggested to Louis to stay at a nearby village and to treat the monster.